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RealDefense Hits 103% Sales Quota Attainment with AI-Powered Coaching, Increasing Revenue by 13%

How RealDefense leverages AI to gain contextual insights into the sales process and take action at scale

revenue increase
improvement of sales quota attainment
improvement in auto-fail scores

RealDefense offers identity protection and live tech support services for consumers and small businesses. With over 1 million customers and a global presence in 33 countries, the organization is poised to have an incredibly positive impact on cybersecurity. But to achieve that potential, RealDefense needed to strengthen their contact centers’ sales performance. 


RealDefense struggled with lower than anticipated sales. The organization was monitoring less than 2% of their customer calls each month and a very manual QA process wasn’t offering data-backed insights into why sales were suffering.

“We knew our agents weren’t fully utilizing our scripts because our sales quota attainment was only between 50-60%,” Nancy Carbone, Senior Director of Call Center Sales, RealDefense explains. “But we had no way to verify script usage or identify the root cause behind poor sales performance.”

To exacerbate these problems further, the geographic spread of RealDefense’s four global contact centers was making it difficult for the organization to have a single source of truth.

“Our KPIs, including profit-per-hour, conversion rates, and sales quota attainment, are revenue-driven, so we needed a single source of truth to help us pinpoint where we were struggling with cross-selling and upselling and help us improve.” Carbone shares. 

When RealDefense acquired Stopzilla ATS, RealDefense’s director of call center sales was tasked with driving up-sells and cross-sells between the newly acquired company’s service plans and RealDefense’s primary service plan.

“To be successful, we needed to ensure we had the right scripting for our agents, that our agents adopted the scripts, and that the system captured the right scripting for us.” Carbone explains. To accomplish that, RealDefense needed a solution that could offer more visibility into contact center conversations and provide business-improving intelligence from each interaction.


RealDefense selected Observe.AI’s Intelligent Workforce Platform to gain one source of truth, drive improvements in agent sales behavior, and glean insights for targeted and contextual coaching for every agent. 

With the platform in place, the cybersecurity organization was pleased with how easily it captured sales validation scripts and all of the agents’ behaviors, but was shocked by their initial findings. 

“Our agents were scoring 100% auto-fail on their calls, which means they missed at least one required question on their evaluation form,” Carbone shares. 

But the Observe.AI Intelligent Workforce Platform didn’t just show RealDefense that agents weren’t adhering to scripts, it also provided full visibility into customer interactions.

“We can see how our agents are pitching our service plan and pull learnings from that with Observe.AI.,” Carbone explains.

These insights, along with AI-driven conversation intelligence and a history of evaluation scores, are helping RealDefence improve the performance of individual agents and the entire team, including supervisors and QA managers.

“We even have insights into the coaching plans that are set by managers,” Carbone shares.

Now, the organization has a powerful feedback loop that provides continuously updated and actionable information. As a result, RealDefense has seen significant improvements in performance. Auto-fails, which were previously at 100% across all agents, have improved by over 90%.

“With teams adhering to sales scripts, sales quota attainment has increased to 103%,” Carbone shares. 

Expanding on how Observe.AI enables this, she says, “We can capture how agents are selling our services and improve their technique. The Team Dashboard has heat maps that help us visualize agent performance and prioritize coaching for agents that need the most guidance.”

Additionally, RealDefense is strengthening their sales performance with these Observe.AI features:

  • QA Evaluation Forms allow RealDefense to rapidly evaluate agent performance and deliver contextual feedback that inspires action.
  • Sentiment analysis unlocks insights around specific cues like tone, speech rate, speaker volume, silence, and overtalk to decipher positive and negative customer sentiment across RealDefense’s conversations.
  • Moments allows administrators to easily organize and categorize conversations to identify, track, and act on specific insights around process adherence, script adherence, and blockers to sales conversions. 
  • Scorecard view helps leadership see Moments keywords and phrases in a contextual view to understand how and how often they come up on calls and determine which are key indicators of revenue potential.
  • Web Chat helps the RealDefense CX teams handle a higher volume of inbound customer requests while maintaining a consistent CX experience. RealDefense can leverage the same QA & Coaching standards across voice and text channels via the Observe.AI platform.

“Observe.AI has played a pivotal role in transforming how we coach and train agents and up-level our sales strategy,” Carbone explains. 

Looking Ahead

RealDefense has recently expanded their contact center operations to include digital channels like web chat in order to handle a higher volume of inbound customer requests. By using Observe.AI to manage QA & Coaching programs across voice and chat, RealDefense can now analyze all voice and chat conversations from a single dashboard and drill down into Chat channels to optimize performance. Ultimately, that helps RealDefense ensure they are maintaining a consistent customer experience across all support channels.

“We use Observe.AI Moments twice a day to monitor ROI, customer cancellations, and customer service,” Carbone shares. “Observe.AI has already helped us increase our revenue by 13%. We can’t wait to see what other potential we can unlock with Observe.AI.”

RealDefense provides identity protection and live tech support services for over 1M consumers and small businesses around the world.
RealDefense needed a way to evaluate calls, ensure agents adhere to scripts, and make meaningful changes to improve quota attainment.
Observe.AI allows RealDefense to improve agent adherence to sales scripts through coaching, which has led to measurable improvements in performance and revenue.
Pasadena, California
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