⚡⚡⚡Observe.AI Launches Generative AI Suite, Powered by Contact Center LLM ⚡⚡⚡ Learn More →
⚡ Observe.AI Launches the Next Generation of Conversation Intelligence⚡ Learn More→

Drive More Sales

With high-conversion scripts, objection handling prompts, and upsell reminders.

Real-Time Al for Sales

Reduce Compliance Risk

With real-time script adherence checks and agent reminders to read out disclosure statements.

Real-Time Al for Compliance

Improve Customer Experience

With just-in-time access to information using Generative AI, contextual supervisor help, and guidance on soft skills.

Real-Time Al for Customer Service

Increase Operational Efficiency

With Generative AI-based call summaries that help agents reduce After-Call Work (ACW).

Real-Time Al for Operational Efficiency
Agent Assist

Assist agents in addressing objections while ensuring they stay on script

Smart Scripts

Give agents a visual checklist during each conversation to keep them on track, provide positive reinforcement, and drive self-coaching.

Alerts & Prompts

Provide 'in-the-moment' contextual guidance for better customer experience.

Call Notes

Free agents from time consuming note-taking and let them focus completely on the customer. Generates call summaries instantly - as soon as a call ends or en masse for all past calls - in any format or structure.

Make smarter and faster business decisions with live call trends

Get visibility into business and agent performance trends instantly. Make every agent a top performer by replicating the behaviors that lead to more revenue.

Answer customer questions faster and better with Generative AI

Save the time agents spend searching knowledge bases and provide answers to customer questions at their fingertips. Knowledge AI consumes information from your knowledge bases, or any other documents and provides ready-to-use answers agents can simply read off.
More about Knowledge AI

Give your agents live assistance when they need it most

Give supervisors a 360-degree view of all active conversations. Enable them to drive outcomes immediately by surfacing difficult customer interactions, coachable moments, and agents seeking help. Supervisors provide contextual help and save calls before they end.

Personalize agent experiences at scale

Easily create custom agent experiences based on needs or skill gaps identified in post-interaction evaluations and coaching sessions. Deploy real-time guidance in minutes. Keep it updated and always relevant to current needs.

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Meet the First Contact Center LLM and Observe.AI’s New Generative AI Suite

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American First Finance Maximizes Agent Performance with Real-Time AI

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Top 4 Reasons Contact Centers Need Real-Time AI

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Real-Time Speech Analytics: A Guide for Contact Centers

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Generative AI & GPT: A Comprehensive Guide for Contact Centers

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